
Hi Flyers

by Tremorland Music

Need to make your visuals shine with that high-end sparkle and draw the viewer in on a gut level? All the twelve musical tracks on Tremorland Music's HI FLYERS are designed to deliver that emotional wow factor, that which high end advertising clients expect for their brand and product presentations. "Seeing is Believing" will make a car commercial move, "Swag You Fresh" will make the viewer of the extra exclusive makeup clip want to get off the couch and shake a leg, "Wavebending" is the perfect throwback to 80’s posh, “Future Dreams'“ will give your product wings to carry it through the stratosphere… We are proud of our HI FLYERS album of music defined by evolving sonics and compelling musical textures.

To preview all of the twelve pieces and to license music from this album, enter music library here.